Wowser! Disney’s Inspector Gadget turbocharges to life in a wild and quirky adventure comedy with a thousand moving parts! During a daring rescue attempt, John Brown (Matthew Broderick), a naive and clueless security guard, experiences the wrath of the evil Dr. Claw (Rupert Everett) and is left clinging to life. Jumping at the chance to put her robotics expertise to the test, the brilliant Dr. Brenda Bradford (Joely Fisher) transforms him into Inspector Gadget — the ultimate crime-fighting tool! And Gadget is going to need every techno-trick up his cyber-sleeve to defeat the ruthless Claw — before Claw reduces our hero to spare parts and wreaks havoc on the world! Nonstop action, seamless special effects, and a gazillion gizmos make Inspector Gadget a hilarious techno-thrill ride the whole family will watch over and over.